About Us
Personal Alarms Australia is a 100% Australian owned and operated business - unlike many of the other big mobs who supply personal alarms in Australia, who are owned by overseas companies.
Our mission is to be Australia's most affordable personal alarm solutions and reduce the number of preventable incidents of persons going unassisted in an emergency.
We sell personal alarms and other products direct to customers on our website (see the Products page) as well as to businesses and organisation such as nursing homes, occupational therapists and government agencies who provide them to their staff or clients.
The main users of personal alarms are elderly persons living alone or in a situation where they may have a fall or other medical emergency and need to send an SOS alert to their relatives or to 000.
However there are many other persons who may benefit from wearing a personal alarm such as remote or lone workers, children or people with disabilities.
Personal alarms provide peace of mind to the relatives of the persons who wear them. They no longer have to worry that they may have a fall or medical emergency and be left unassisted and unable to pick up a phone and call for help.
We also sell other products such as big button mobile phones for users with poor eye sight.
Thank you for visiting our website and please do not hesitate to contact us for any inquires.